Index of online Publications
HOME PAGE: Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons EXEGETICAL COMMENTARIES PDF eBooks Commentary series on the Greek text of the New Testament EXEGETICAL STUDY NOTES New Testament study notes on the Greek text OLD TESTAMENT EXPOSITIONS: Sermons and Bible Studies NEW TESTAMENT EXPOSITIONS: Sermons and Bible Studies MINI SERMONS Indexed short conversations on life LECTIONARY RESOURCES The Christian Church Lectionary The table of Sundays for the Church Year RCL readings and worship resources Year A RCL readings and worship resources Year B RCL readings and worship resources Year C Expositions on the readings for Year A Expositions on the readings for Year B Expositions on the readings for Year C THE BASICS: Fundamentals of the Christian Faith. Introduction. The first steps in the Christian life 1. The Kingdom of God 2. God: His person and work 3. God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit 4. Mankind: Nature and sin 5. The World: God's creation 6. Jesus: His life and work 7. Atonement: Jesus' death for us 8. Regeneration: a new life with Christ 9. Mystical Union: A new friendship with God 10. Sanctification: A new life-style in Christ 11. Providence: God's care for us 12. The Bible: God teaches us all things 13. The Church: A new community to be part of 14. Gifts of the Spirit: Empowered for service 15. The last things: A new world to be part of 16. Prophecy: The Kingdom and "forth telling" 17. Repentance and faith 18. Baptism: The sign of repentance 19. Discipleship: Following Jesus 20. Bible Study: Coming to grips with God's Word 21. Prayer: Talking with God 22. Ethics: Becoming what we are in Christ 23. Church involvement: Fellowship responsibilities 24. The Lord's Supper: Holy Communion 25. Evangelism: Witnessing 26. Apologetics: Answers to difficult questions 27. Social Concern: Caring for broken humanity DOCTRINE The Grace of God The Bias of Grace. The foundation of Biblical truth The Bible A background introduction Group Bible study methods Interpreting the Bible Kingdom of God. A Biblical theology of the Kingdom of God. Law-obedience, Justification and Sanctification. Living by grace alone through faith alone Spirituality Practicing the presence Church/Community Christian Community Spirit-filled ministry The history of revival Spiritual experience Baptized in the Spirit Gifts of the Spirit The gift of Prophecy The gift of Tongues The gift of Healing Prayer The problem of unanswered prayer Evangelism - Theology and pragmatics The Good News A theology of the gospel Practical methods for communicating the faith Contextualizing the gospel The gospel and liberation The gospel and social action Contextualizing the Gospel, Acts 17:22-31 APOLOGETICS 1. An introduction to apologetics 2. How do we know that God exists? 3. What about those who have never heard the gospel? 4. Why does God allow bad things to happen? 5. Hasn't science disproved Christianity? 6. Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? 7. Isn't Christianity just a psychological illusion? 8. How can miracles be true? 9. Aren't all religions just different ways to the same God? 10. Is the New Testament reliable? 11. How true is the resurrection? 12. Is it true that the wicked will go to hell? 13. Why did Jesus have to die? 14. What is the point of Jesus' parables? 15. What is the meaning of baptism? 16. What is the Bible all about? ETHICS. Moral Theory and application The means of confirming right behavior The Law of Moses New Testament Law The place of Mosaic Law in the New Testament The extent to which Biblical Law applies today The extent to which the Biblical Law applies to unbelievers The place of the law in the life of a believer The art of compromise Social Issues COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS The Seventh-day Adventist Church. Baha'i. The Children of God. Christian Science. The Cooneyites. Hare Krishna. Hinduism. Islam. Jehovah's Witnesses. The Church of the Latter Day Saints. Mormans. The Unification Church. Moonies. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH Confirmation Studies 1. The Anglican church 2. Confirmation 3. The covenant of Baptism 4. The Creeds 5. The Christian faith. God the Father - Creator 6. The Christian faith. God the Son - Redeemer 7. The Christian faith. God the Spirit - Sanctifier 8. The Commandments 9. Prayer 10. The Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper The Prayer Book Worship. Liturgy. Anglican spirituality. Evolution of the English Prayer Book. The Holy Communion. Prayer Book Revision. Hymns in worship. The place of preaching in worship. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. His life and times. Liturgical Worship Services Morning Prayer* Evening Prayer* Daily Prayer* Compline: Prayer at the end of the day* Holy Communion* Ash Wednesday ashing at Holy Communion Christmas Carol Service of Nine Lessons Easter Service of Light Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Healing Communion Service Good Friday Devotional - Tenebrae Good Friday Devotional - The Seven Words Good Friday Devotional - A Meditation on the Cross Good Friday Devotional - A Meditation Contextualized Wedding Resources Contextualized Funeral Resources *AAPB and APBA copyright The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation. Parish Studies Preaching the Word Evangelical ministry - In theory and practice How to produce a Parish Magazine Evangelical Anglicans The Parson's Nose. Reminiscences of an Anglican clergyman GREEK SYNTAX Bibliography Greek Glossary The Nominative Case The Genitive Case The Dative Case The Perfect Tense Infinitives Participles