![]() Exegetical Study Notes on the Greek Text of the New Testament Except for PDF files, to view the Greek text on this site it is necessary to download the legacy font TekniaGreek. For a compressed zip file of TekniaGreek, Mac / PC, go to FontsForWeb.com. Mac users need to note that Safari does not render legacy fonts - use Taxi or Chrome. |
The full appropriation of God's promised blessings are ours through faith apart from law-obedience. The studies on this site are guided by the central Pauline text, "the righteous out of faith will live", Habakkuk 2:4; cf., Thesis Overview, Introductory Notes on Romans. The Pauline formula, FAITH = RIGHTEOUSNESS = BLESSINGS = WORKS, is established in Romans and Galatians, and to a lesser extent his other letters, as Paul addresses the issue of nomism. Nomism (pietism), the heresy promoted by the members of the circumcision party, the Judaizers, is the belief that, although a person is justified by faith, law-obedience is essential both to restrain sin and shape holiness (sanctify) for the full appropriation of God's promised blessings. Against this, Paul contends that "the righteous out of faith will live", and this "apart from works of the law", Rom.3:28. For Paul, holiness / righteousness, and thus the full appropriation of the promised blessings of the covenant, is possessed in union with Christ on the basis of faith (Christ's faithfulness and our faith response), and this apart from law-obedience. Works / law-obedience is but the natural fruit of faith, and to this end Paul encourages us to be what we are in Christ. Although a matter of contention, these note presume that Paul functions as the inspired exegete of Jesus, such that to properly understand the teachings of Jesus it is necessary to interpret them in line with Pauline theology, ie. to understand the gospels, particularly the synoptic gospels, it is necessary to read back the above Pauline formula, particularly as it relates to the Law. These notes also presume that the authors of the synoptic gospels, although faithful to the received tradition, in varying degrees edit and arrange that tradition in line with Paul's bias of grace. SITE NOTES • Draft notes awaiting completion. Greek font: These notes were in preparation long before the adoption of unicode polytonic Greek fonts and so it is necessary to load the legacy TekniaGreek font created by Bill Mounce and provided free at his New Testament Greek site. For a Mac or PC version of the font, go to the Teknia Greek font download page. For a compressed zip file, Mac / PC, go to FontsForWeb.com. For iPhone, iPod, or iPad, the application AnyFont will load and enable a zip download of the TekniaGreek font. TekniaGreek cannot be displayed on android phones or tablets. Mac users may find Safari arguing with a legacy true-type font like Teknia; use another Mac browser, eg., Google Chrome, free, iCab, $10, etc. Greek Syntax: Glossary + notes on the Dative, Genitive, Infinitive and Participle. Citing: No copyright provision covers this site, nor is citing expected. Where required for academic purposes; Findlayson, lectionarystudies.com/.......... The date of composition, or the most recent major revision (minor corrections or additions are not dated), may be ascertained by viewing "SOURCE" via any browser. The date is found in the "HEAD". Commentary: Synopsis / Argument, Context, Structure, Interpretation, technical notes and exegesis. Link New Testament Expositions for the Church Year provide a pew-level exposition of the passage. Text format: i] The Greek word or phrase; ii] limited parsing; iii] the English text, NIV and/or NIV11; iv] - a simple English translation; v] Syntax, where necessary; vi] Comment; vii] A published translation. Greek standard: The translation notes aim at College level, years 2/3 - accents and smooth breathings are only used where necessary. Those Pastors with rusty Greek will find Dr. Rob Plummer's Daily Dose of Greek a great help to get up to speed. Five days a week he offers a two minute video tutorial on a New Testament verse via an email link. Print format: These notes and link-studies are print-friendly in A4 format, 10pt. Adjustments may be necessary for screen viewing. Inclusive language: Numerous older translations and paraphrases are used throughout the studies to enhance the meaning of the text. Latitude is given to sexist language, although I do, at times, take the liberty to use non-sexist language. Translations: The translation provided in bold is from the NIV and/or NIV11. The full text is not provided under the requirements of copyright and it is recommended that at least the NIV11 be at hand when consulting these notes. The illustrated church is St. James, Byaburra, Grafton diocese, NSW Index of studies ![]() Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons www.lectionarystudies.com |