New Testament Greek Syntax The Dative Case Expressing the idea of personal interest, accompaniment and means Later Greek replaces the dative with a prepositional phrase, which process is evident in the NT 1. The Pure Dative The pure dative expresses personal interest in someone or something where a relationship is specified. i] Dative of Indirect Object The prime function of the dative is to serve as an object complement - Common The noun or pronoun in the dative is the person or thing which receives the direct object of an active verb, or the subject of a passive verb, cf. Wallace. Often the classification merges with the dative of interest and may be classified as such, so Turner Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "to" Active: I will repay all things TO YOU panta apodwsw soi Passive: We are manifested TO GOD qew/ pefanerwmeqa Luke will often use proV + acc. instead of a dative for indirect speech "[They] complained .... TO the disciples" egogguzon ... proV touV maqhtaV ii] Dative of interest a) Advantage Most datives can be classified as datives of interest, so Turner Identifying the one for whose benefit something is done - "for" Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "for", "to", .. She has done a good thing FOR ME kalon ergon hrgasato en emoi b) Disadvantage Most datives can be classified as datives of interest, so Turner Identifying the one who will be adversely affected by the action - "against" Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "against" Herodias had a grudge AGAINST HIM hJ HJrw/diaV eneicen aurw/ iii] Dative of Reference, Respect / Representation, Benefit / Relation A dative can function adverbially, limiting a verb or adjective In this usage the dative identifies a person or thing: a) possessing little or no interest in, but mere reference to; "concerning, about, in regard to, ..." b) representation or benefit; "on behalf of / for the benefit of" c) Relation; "in relation to." Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "about" ..... Be not anxious ABOUT your LIFE mh merminate th/ yuch/ umwn iv] Dative of Possession Identifying the person to whom something belongs Often translated with a possessive pronoun, "his", "her" the name TO HIM was John = HIS name was John onoma autw/ IwannhV Sometimes relational / expressing a relationship I will be a father TO YOU I will be YOUR FATHER esomai uJmin eiV patera v] Dative of Feeling / Ethical dative Identifying the person whose feelings or viewpoint are linked to the action of the verb. Ascriptions fall into this category; "TO GOD be Glory." Translate: "as far as I am concerned", "in my opinion" beautiful TO GOD = beautiful as far as God is concerned asteioV tw/ qew/ vi] Dative of Recipient "I write TO YOU (soi)" vii] Adjectival dative (rare in the NT) A dative can function as an adjective limiting a noun or another adjective Often epexegetic, "consisting in" = "consisting of" cf. NIV 2Cor.12:12: "the things that mark an apostle - SIGNS, WONDERS and MIRACLES - were done among you." ;2. The Local Dative (Locative) Expressing the idea of location, place, position. The dative of time and space, of temporal and spacial relations. i] The Dative of Space / Place Identifying a spot or place Note: Wallace includes this class under Dative of Sphere. Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi, para, proV = "at", "by", "on", "with", "in", "beside", "among", "upon", ...... they put it UPON his HEAD epeqhkan autou th/ kefalh/ ii] Dative of Sphere Identifying a metaphorical spacial idea Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi, para "in the sphere of", "in the realm of" ...... having been found IN APPEARANCE as a man schmati euJreqeiV wJV anqrwpoV iii] Dative of Time (Temporal) Identifying a particular point in time "when" the action of the main verb is performed Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "when", "while", "at", "during", "on", ..... ON THE FIRST [DAY] of the week th/ mia/ twn sabbatwn iv] Dative of rule Expressing the idea of conforming with a standard, code, or rule of conduct - "in conformity with." As many as live ACCORDING TO THIS STANDARD. oJsoi tw/ kanoni toutw/ stoichsousin v] Dative of direction / destination, termination Expressing the idea of "to" or "toward" / of traveling "to". I was not able to speak TO YOU = address YOU. ouk hdunhqhn lalhsai uJmin 3. The Instrumental Dative Expressing the idea of means, agent, cause, manner or instrument, indicating that by/with which the action of the verb was performed i] Dative of Means Identifying the impersonal means (instrument) by which an action is performed Sometimes with a preposition: en = "by", "with", "by means of" Note: personal agency is expressed by uJpo + gentitive because he had often been bound BY FETTERS and CHAINS dia to auton pollakiV pedaiV kai aJusesin dedesqai ii] Dative of Cause Identifying what caused the action to be performed Sometimes with a preposition: en, epi = "because of", "on the basis of" I am perishing here BECAUSE OF FAMINE egw limw/ wde apollumai iii] Dative of Manner / Attendant Circumstance As an adverb describing an accompanying circumstance, or manner (method), by which the action of the verb is performed. "Called out WITH A LOUD VOICE" Sometimes expressed with a preposition: en + dat. = "in", meta+ gen. = "with" he speaks WITH BOLDNESS (= BOLDLY) parrhsia/ lalei iv] Dative of Association / Relation / Accompaniment Identifying those persons or things that acompany the action performed Often occurring with verbs with a sun prefix Sometimes with a preposition: en, para, sun, meta = "with" he made us alive WITH CHRIST sunezwopoihsn tw/ Cristw/ v] Dative of Measure / degree of difference Identifying the intervening measure between two points, usually an interval of time Sometimes with a preposition: en = Difference by - "during", "much", "in addition to", ... FOR A LONG TIME he had worn no garment gronw/ iJkanw/ oiuk ededusato iJmation vi] Dative of Agency Identifying the personal agent by whom the action is performed Translation: "by", "through" has been tamed by humankind dedamastai th/ fusei th/ anqrwpinh/ vii] Dative of Material Identifying the material (rather than tool) used to perform the action written not WITH INK eggrammenh ou melani ;viii] Dative of Content Identifying the content that is used by a verb of filling he was filled WITH WISDOM being filled WITH WISDOM plhroumenon sofia/ ix] Dative of The Thing Compared Used sometimes instead of the adjective oJmoiV, "like", or the particle wJV, "as". ;4. Datives after certain verbs, nouns and adjectives The use of the dative after certain words ;i] Dative of Direct Object The classification "necessary complement / dative complement" is often used for a dative of direct object although best limited to the dative complement of a substantive construction. A dative will often follow compound verbs with a prefix such as sun, proV, epi, para Jesus strictly warned them he having spoken against THEM oJ epitimhsaV autoiV. The prefix epi + dat. = "against" As with the dative of indirect object, these datives may be classified as datives of interest Some verbs naturally take a dative, eg. "I obey him" = "I am obedient to him"; "I rebuke him" = "I speak sternly to him" Usually translated by to or in, eg pisteuw, followed by the dative, "I believe/trust IN ......." Applicable to verbs of trusting, obeying, serving, worshipping, thanksgiving, belief, following, rebuking, helping, pleasing, commanding, .... I serve God's LAW I submit to LAW of God douleuw nomw/ qeou Sometimes with a preposition: en A dative substantive following a verb with the prepositional prefix sun, "with", could also be classed as a dative of accompaniment. The following word groupings often take a dative direct object, sometimes an accusative, cf. BDF: i] Helping: to do good, to benefit, help (bohqew), please / to harm, etc. with dative or accusative ii] Pleasing: to please (areskw) iii] Serving: to serve (diakonew), follow, meet, make a slave to, be enslaved to iv] Revealing: to show, reveal, seem v] Directing: to command, censure, rebuke (epitimaw) - most times take a dative vi] Responding: to trust, obey, believe (pisteuw), follow / disbelieve, disobey vii] Emoting: to be angry, envy, thank (eucaristew), owe viii] Worshipping: proskunew ;ii] Dative after certain nouns and adjectives A dative can be prompted by a verbal noun and is best classified as a "dative complement" An adjective which prompts a dative is usually classified as a "dative of reference" The nouns usually carry the idea of personal interest service TO THE SAINTS diakonian toiV aJgioiV ;*A less than common usage* ;For Greek font requirements see Syntax Notes A Commentary on the Greek New Testament Exegetical Notes |