RCL Revised Common Lectionary 1992. AAPB An Australian Prayer Book Lectionary 1978. APBA A Prayer Book for Australia Lectionary 1995. a Main readings 3 Year Series, RCL. b Supplementary readings, APBA. c Sequential Old Testament readings, RCL. d Alternate readings, RCL. e An AAPB reading. f An APBA reading. I or II. A reading broken into two preaching parts. Where a reading is different to the RCL, the correct reading is noted in the last column. Plain text expositions are in draft form only. |
Reading 1:5-25 1:26-38 1:39-56 1:57-68 2:1-7 2:8-21 2:22-40 2:41-52 3:1-20 3:21-22 4:1-13 4:14-21 4:22-30 5:1-11 5:17-26 5:27-39 6:1-11 6:12-16 6:17-26 6:27-38 6:39-49 7:1-10 7:11-17 7:18-35 7:36-50 8:1-18 8:19-21 8:22-25 8:26-39 8:40-56 9:1-9 9:10-17 9:18-27 9:28-36 9:37-50 9:51-62 10:1-20 10:21-24 10:25-37 10:38-42 11:1-13 11:14-28 11:29-36 11:37-54 12:1-12 12:13-21 12:22-34 12:35-40 12:41-48 12:49-53 12:54-59 13:1-9 13:10-21 13:22-30 13:31-35 14:1-24 14:25-35 15:1-10 15:11-32 16:1-13 16:14-31 17:1-10 17:11-19 17:20-37 18:1-8 18:9-14 18:15-34 18:35-43 19:1-10 19:11-27 19:28-44 20:19-26 20:27-38 20:41-44 20:45-21:4 21:5-24 21:25-36 22:1-38 22:39-53 22:54-71 23:1-25 23:33-43 24:1-12 24:13-35 24:36-53 |
AAPB - Advent 4B Advent 4C John the Bapt. Christmas Eve Christmas 1st Christmas 1B Christmas 1C Advent 2C Sunday 1C Lent 1C Sunday 3C Sunday 4C Sunday 5C Easter 4 Easter 4 Easter 4 Simon & Jude Sunday 6C Sunday 7C Sunday 8C Sunday 9C Sunday 10C - Sunday 11C - - - - - - - Sunday 12C Lent 2C - Sunday 13C Sunday 14C - Sunday 15C Sunday 16C Sunday 17C - Sunday 11 Sunday 11 - Sunday 18C - Sunday 19C - Sunday 20C - Lent 3C - Sunday 21C - Sunday 22C Sunday 23C Sunday 24C Lent 4C Sunday 25C Sunday 26C Sunday 27C Sunday 28C - Sunday 29C Sunday 30C - - Sunday 31C - - Sunday 16 Sunday 32C - - Sunday 33C Advent 1C Palm Sunday - - - Sunday 34C Easter Eve Easter Day Easter 2B |
APBA / RCL Advent 2B Advent 4B Advent 4C Advent 2A Christmas P1 Christmas P2 Christmas 1B Christmas 1C Advent 2C Epiphany 1C Lent 1C Epiphany 3C Epiphany 4C Epiphany 5C - - - Simon & Jude Epiphany 6C Epiphany 7C Epiphany 8C Sunday 9C Sunday 10C Advent 3B Sunday 11C Sunday 9C Sunday 10C Sunday 11C Sunday 12C Sunday 12C Sunday 13C Sunday 14C All Saints A Epiph. last C Sunday 15C Sunday 13C Sunday 14C Sunday 12C Sunday 15C Sunday 16C Sunday 17C Sunday 17C - - - Sunday 18C Sunday 18C Sunday 19C Advent 1B Sunday 20C Baptist's birth Lent 3C Sunday 21C Sunday 21C Lent 2C Sunday 22C Sunday 23C Sunday 24C Lent 4C Sunday 25C Sunday 26C Sunday 27C Sunday 28C Sunday 29C Sunday 29C Sunday 30C Sunday 30C Sunday 30C Sunday 31C Sunday 31C Palm Sun. C - Sunday 32C Sunday 32C Advent 1C Sunday 33C Advent 1C Lent 1C Lent 2C Lent 3C Lent 4C Lent 5C Easter Day C Easter Eve Easter 3B |
# b a a b a a a a a a a a a a - - - a a a a a a b a b b b a b b b b a b a a b a a a b - - - a b a b a b a a b a a a a f a a a a b a a f b a b a e a b b a a b b b b b a a a |
Title Vision in the Temple God's call to Mary Mary visits Elizabeth The birth and naming of John Today the Saviour is born The shepherds visit the infant Jesus Jesus grew in wisdom and stature the boy Jesus in the temple All mankind shall see the salvation of our God The baptism of Jesus Jesus is tempted Good news to the poor God's love is universal They left all and followed him a sign of divine forgiveness The tax collector's banquet Messiah: Lord of the Sabbath Jesus chooses the twelve apostles The happiness of Christ's disciples Love for enemies A tree and its fruit The Roman officer's faith Jesus raises a widow's son Jesus and the Baptist Faith saves Sowing the seed of the Kingdom Jesus' true family Calming the storm Healing the Gentile demoniac A story of twin healings The mission of the twelve Feeding of the five thousand The Son of Man must suffer Jesus transfigured The meaning of greatness The call of Jesus Proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom Who receives the Kingdom? Who is my neighbour? Jesus visits Martha and Mary Jesus' teaching on prayer Exorcism: A sign of the new age The real "sign" in Jesus' ministry Alas for the Churchmen and Theologians A word to witnesses and martyrs The parable of the rich fool Goals in life: To have or to live Be prepared A warning to unfaithful Churchmen Jesus the cause of division A sign of the times: Judgment We all stand under God's judgment The inevitable victory of the Kingdom of God The narrow door The God-forsaken city Hospitality and humility The cost of being a disciple The lost sheep From death to life (The parable of the lost son) God and mammon The rich man and Lazarus Faith and duty Jesus make the lepers clean A caution to anxious waiters The parable of the widow and the judge The Pharisee and the tax collector The churchmen and the disciples The faith of a blind man Jesus and Zacchaeus A story of a rejected king Jesus the rejected king Render the Caesar.... and to God..... The question about raising from death David's greater son The churchman and the widow Troubles and persecution Your liberation is near The passion of Christ Messiah's consecration to death The denial The consummation of the plot to kill Jesus The King of the Jews Christ is risen The walk to Emmaus Christ has fulfilled the Scriptures |
RCL readings, alternate calendar days and notes - Annunciation 1:39-45. Visitation. RCL Birth of John the Baptist 2:1-14 (15-20). Christmas Eve 2:(1-7), 8-20. Circumcision Presentation Christmas 1Bb 3:1-6. Advent 3Ca, 3:7-18. 3:15-17, 21-22, Baptism of the Lord. f 3:15-22 f 4:1-15 4:12-21. Ember 4:21-30 - Morning Prayer, Thursday Morning Prayer, Friday Morning Prayer, Saturday - Saint b. All Saints C, 6:20-31 - - - - 7:18-28 7:36-8:3. Mary Magdalene b. f 8:4-15 f 8:16-21 - - - f 9:1-11 f 9:12-24. All Saints Ab. - f +v37-43. Lent 2C - James b 10:1-11, 16-20. f 10:1-12 (13-16) 17-24. Sun. 16Cb f 10:17-24 - Saint b - Sunday 18C, Harvest b Morning Prayer, Thursday Morning Prayer, Friday - Harvest b f 12:22-31 12:32-40 f 12:35-48. Ember, Sunday 19Cb 12:49-56. Birth of John the Baptist f 12:49-59 Sunday 20Cb. APBA Lent 2Ca 13:10-17 f 13:18-30 APBA Lent 3C 14:1, 7-14. f 14:1 (2-6) 7-4. Sunday 22Cb 14:25-33 - - - 16:19-31 17:5-10 Harvest b - f 18:1-14 f 18:1-14, Proper 24C f 18:15-30, Proper 25C f 18:31-43 - f 19:11-26 19:28-40 Morning Prayer, Tuesday f 20:27-40. Palm Sunday C f 20:41-21:4. Advent 1Cb f 20:45-21:6, 20-24 21:5-19 21:25-36. Sunday 33Cb, 21:29-36 Palm Sunday Cd, 23:1-49. Pastor - - Palm Sunday C 23:33-43. e 23:35-43. Sunday 34C Easter 2Bb f 24:13-49 24:36b-48. Ascension 24:44-53 . Conversion of Paul |
Index of studies. Resource file. ![]() Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons www.lectionarystudies.com |