Sunday: Ordinary 13A, Proper 8AFollowing ChristSentenceThe wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 Collects Heavenly Father, keep your household the church continually in your true religion; that those who lean only on the hope of your heavenly grace may always be defended by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP. Epiphany 5 O God, your Son taught us that those who give a cup of water in his name will not lose their reward: open our hearts to the needs of your children, and in all things make us obedient to your will, so that in faith we may receive your gracious gift, eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. APBA Readings The false prophet Hananiah. Jeremiah 28:1-17 28:5-9 Loving kindness and faithfulness attend your presence, Lord. Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18 Abraham offers his son. Genesis 22:1-14 Send your Holy Spirit Lord that we may abound in hope. Psalm 13 Slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:15-23 6:12-23 God is indebted to no one. Matthew 10:40-42 Supplementary readings The royal succession. Genesis 22:15-19; 23:1-15 22:15-19; 23:1-4 (5-15) An illustration from marriage. Romans 7:1-6 Hymns and Spiritual Songs |
Worship elements Gathering Songs Invocation Praise Gradual/Reading Offertory/Prayer Recessional |
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RCL reading; APBA reading; Congregational response or refrain, AAPB/RSV; Subject heading, AAPB; Where there is a second Old Testament reading it is sequential rather than linked to the gospel; Hymn book and other abbreviations. See In Words and Song. Index of studies: Resource library ![]() Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons |