Palm/Passion Sunday CThe crucified KingSentenceAt the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 Collects Almighty and everlasting God, in tender love towards mankind you sent your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take our nature upon him and suffer death on the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility: grant that we may follow the example of his sufferings, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. BCP. Sunday next before Easter Let us pray [for a closer union with Christ in his passion.] Almighty, ever-living God, you have given the human race Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of humility. He fulfilled your will by becoming man and giving his life on the cross. Help us to bear witness to you by following his example of suffering, and make us worthy to share in his resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. AAPB Merciful god, as we enter this holy week and gather at your house of prayer, turn our hearts again to Jerusalem, to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that, united with Christ and all the faithful, we may one day enter in triumph the city not made with hands, the new Jerusalem, eternal in the heavens, where, with you and the Holy Spirit, Christ lives in glory for ever. Amen. APBA God of all, you gave your only-begotten Son to take the form of a servant, and to be obedient even to death on a cross: give us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that, sharing in his humility, we may come to be with him in his glory; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. APBA Readings Palm Sunday Jesus the rejected King. Luke 19:28-44 19:28-40 The stone the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. Psalm 118:19-29 118:1-2, 19-29 Passion Sunday The obedient servant of the Lord. Isaiah 50:4-11 50:4-9a O Lord, let your face shine upon your servant. Psalm 31:9-18 31:9-16 Christ became obedient. Philippians 2:5-11 The consummation of the plot to kill Jesus. Luke 23:1-25 22:14-23:56. Alt. 23:1-49 Supplementary readings Consecration of the firstborn. Exodus 13:1-16 13:1-3, 7-9 Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground. John 12:20-36 12:20-32 Hymns and Spiritual Songs |
Worship elements Gathering Songs Invocation Praise Gradual/Reading Offertory/Prayer Recessional |
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Seasonal Litany Palm Sunday Procession Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. The Lord be with you And also with you Lord, increase the faith of your people and hear our prayers. Today we honour Christ our triumphant King by carrying these branches. May we honour you every day by living always in him, for he is Lord for ever and ever. Amen. Let us go forth in peace, praising Jesus our Messiah, as the crowds did who welcomed him to Jerusalem. Color Key and Notes RCL reading; APBA reading; Congregational response or refrain, AAPB/RSV; Subject heading, AAPB; Where there is a second Old Testament reading it is sequential rather than linked to the gospel; Hymn book and other abbreviations. See In Words and Song. Index of studies: Resource library Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons |